Herbal Learning

The Energetic Emotion That Each Organ Holds.

The Energetic Emotion That Each Organ Holds.

The idea that organs can hold emotional energy and that this can contribute to emotional trauma is a concept found in various traditional and alternative medicine practices. One of the most well-known frameworks for this idea comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which associates specific organs with particular emotions. Here's an overview of some key organs and the emotions they are believed to hold: 1. Liver Associated Emotion: Anger Role in Emotional Health: The liver is thought to regulate the flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body. When the liver's energy is stagnant or imbalanced, it can lead to feelings...

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Top 3 Techniques To Release Stuck Energy.

Top 3 Techniques To Release Stuck Energy.

In order to stay healthy, our nervous systems and psyches need to face challenges and succeed in meeting those challenges. When this need is not met, or when we're challenged and cannot triumph, we end up lacking vitality and unable to fully engage with life. Here's 3 simple ways how you can release lodged energy in your body now: Rhythmic Tapping Using your two hands tap on both sides of your body starting from your shoulders and working your way down your body. Interchange the tapping on each hand, use the same rhythm, or use one hand to tap on...

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What is trauma and how it stores in the body.

What is trauma and how it stores in the body.

What actually is trauma: We are literally human animals and trauma is essentially the result of our primal instincts going awry. It's not a straightforward, rational phenomenon as we're often conditioned to think. Despite the intensity of an experience, not everyone who undergoes it ends up traumatized. The crucial factor lies in how our bodies react to these events and whether they manage to return to a balanced state afterward. Failure to discharge and process the energy generated during such moments can lead to its stagnation in fear, trapping us in a state of distress. Trauma triggers a biological response...

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Quinoa And Vegetable Stir-Fry

Quinoa And Vegetable Stir-Fry

What's Upful! We're turning up the flavor and dialing in on kidney health with a bomba** recipe—Quinoa and Veggie Stir-Fry! 🌟 You know, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of fast food and convenience eats, but our bodies (and our kidneys!) deserve better. This recipe supports the body in detoxing the organs, relieves inflammation, and strengthens the kidneys. It's a win win recipe!  Ingredients to Get the Party Started: 1 cup quinoa 2 cups water or low-sodium veggie broth  1 tablespoon avocado oil 1 onion  2 cloves garlic 1 bell pepper  1 zucchini 1 cup mushrooms  1 cup spinach...

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