Herbal Learning

Understanding Erectile Dysfunction

Understanding Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a multifaceted issue with various underlying causes, both physical and psychological. While it's more common in men over 40, younger men can also experience it. To better understand the factors contributing to ED, we can turn to the compassionate and holistic principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which offers a comprehensive view of health and wellness.How Does Erectile Dysfunction Manifest?In TCM, ED is often seen as a manifestation of imbalances in the body's vital energy (Qi) and blood circulation. Here’s a breakdown of the main TCM concepts related to ED:1. Kidney Yin and Yang Imbalance:The Kidneys...

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Understanding Cancer: What They Won't Tell You

Understanding Cancer: What They Won't Tell You

Causes of CancerCancer is seen as a result of multiple internal and external factors disrupting the body's balance, leading to the formation of masses or tumors. The main causes include:Qi and Blood Stagnation: This occurs when the flow of vital energy (Qi) and blood is obstructed, leading to the accumulation of pathological substances and the formation of tumors.Dampness and Phlegm Accumulation: Excessive dampness in the body can combine with phlegm to create blockages, which may result in lumps or growths.Toxic Heat: Internal heat and toxins can arise from poor diet, stress, or environmental factors, causing inflammation and eventually contributing to...

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5 Types Of Headaches And What You Can Do.

5 Types Of Headaches And What You Can Do.

Headaches are more than just a symptom; they’re a signal that something is off balance in your body. Headaches are classified based on their location, nature, and accompanying symptoms. They are often linked to imbalances in the body’s internal systems, such as Liver Qi stagnation, Blood deficiency, or external pathogenic factors like Wind, Cold, or Dampness.   Common Types and Causes: Wind-Cold Headache: Symptoms: Sharp pain, stiff neck, and shoulders, aversion to cold, no thirst. Cause: Invasion of external Wind-Cold. Treatment: Warm the meridians, expel Wind and Cold. Wind-Heat Headache: Symptoms: Throbbing pain, fever, aversion to wind, red face and...

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The Energetic Emotion That Each Organ Holds.

The Energetic Emotion That Each Organ Holds.

The idea that organs can hold emotional energy and that this can contribute to emotional trauma is a concept found in various traditional and alternative medicine practices. One of the most well-known frameworks for this idea comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which associates specific organs with particular emotions. Here's an overview of some key organs and the emotions they are believed to hold: 1. Liver Associated Emotion: Anger Role in Emotional Health: The liver is thought to regulate the flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body. When the liver's energy is stagnant or imbalanced, it can lead to feelings...

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